5 Extreme Ways To Cut Your Household Expenses...

Mar 10, 2014 by

5 Extreme Ways To Cut Your Household Expenses Are you shocked when seeing your household expenditures every month? Would you like to save more but believe you already identified all of your house hold savings opportunities. If this sounds like your situation and you are desperate to save more in order to start living rich give them shot and let me know how you make out. 1. Recycle those junk letters. Each month, you will probably received a dozen or more letters from direct mailing companies in your mailbox. Some of these letters are printed on one side only. Collect these letters and combined them into a writing pad. You can also used them to print draft documents. Besides saving money, you are also saving a lot of trees. 2. Install water saving kit...

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7 Cost effective ways to cool your home...

Mar 9, 2014 by

7 Cost-Effective Ways to Cool Your Home As the temperature rises, so does the cost of cooling your home. But a new federal law may help keep your home both cool and cost-effective. In January, the U.S. Department of Energy raised the minimum efficiency standards for air conditioners and heat pumps from 10 to 13 SEER (Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio). Although homeowners aren’t required to replace systems that are less than 13 SEER, doing so could shave 23 percent off energy bills. Think of SEER ratings like gas mileage: The higher the SEER or miles per gallon, the more energy “mileage” you get. So as SEER levels rise, your cooling and heating products use less energy, giving you more bang for your buck while providing real environmental benefits through decreased energy consumption. “The new...

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The 3 things you need to make money with your business idea...

Mar 9, 2014 by

The 3 things you need to make money with your business idea   Where ever you are presently in your life there will always opportunities to begin make money with one of the very ideas you may very well have contemplated if you understand a few simple principles.  Despite what anyone may tell you these principles of generating money not only work they tend to work lightning fast. These principles are not difficult but in order to understand them you must process them.  You must take the time to give them some thought, until the thought becomes a part of your very being. Making money fast will always be a hot topic on everyone’s mind.  Most people will tell you that claims of making fast money is typically leads to lost returns on your...

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Are You Faced With Out-Of-Control Expenses...

Mar 7, 2014 by

Are You Faced With Out-Of-Control Expenses Perhaps you can relate to this scenario: The moment you thought you were back in the financial game of life, something else came along that smacked you back down into the land of money woes again. Was that an accurate scenario? For many people it is. Perhaps a tragic emergency or a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity came by and you had to pay more money than you expected to pay. Whatever the situation, you were just clawing your way back to having control of your expenses when you pushed back down. Of course, the end result is debt! How do you deal with that mounting debt? What can you do to solve it? There are many solutions and one of them is loans. We are going to show you the...

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Master your personal finances in 6 easy steps...

Mar 6, 2014 by

Mastering your personal finances using the 6 steps identified below will change your life the moment you begin implementing them. You will immediately began reaping the rewards and satisfaction that comes with financial security. You deserve a secure future that provides the life style that you want. So read the steps below and go get started on the path of personal financial mastery today!   Identify your current financial status. This can be a little intimidating for some but it is essential to a better financial future. This entails knowing three important things: your expenses, financial problems and financial desires. Be aware of how much you spend vs. how much you can afford. Ok you got me…I am referring to budgeting but nobody likes that word, however it is essential to personal financial mastery. Write down...

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Start planning the retirement of you and your spouse’s dream...

Feb 21, 2014 by

Are you becoming discouraged with the idea of having to work until the age of sixty-five?  Better yet are you feeling worse because your buddy mentioned how great his retirement planning is going and yours is currently nonexistent?  Can he/she tell you how much is needed for a fully funded retirement? Do they know the age they expect to retire? Don’t fret it doesn’t take rocket science to get on track but it will take some work. All you need is a plan. I am not going to lie to you and tell you that there is an easy way to achieve this but here is a simple way to get started. Start Dreaming You did read the title correctly and I am sure you do this regularly but before you pop the bubbly...

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