3 Ways to Save Money on Car Insurance

Jun 5, 2014 by

3 Ways to Save Money on Car Insurance

On the never ending quest to save more money this thought always creeps into the back of your mind twice a year. Is the gecko right. Could I possibly save anymore more on my car insurance? Yeah, I know you have already raised your deductible to $1,000 bucks, dropped your rental, and reduced your medical coverage. So could there be any discounts left? You can bet your bottom dollar there is (ok I may have let my southern alter ego out by accident…back in the cage he goes). The answer to the question is undoubtedly yes and yes this will most certainly take more than 15 minutes to accomplish no matter what talking lizards may say. I have 3 things that most people have yet to take advantage of to get top tier coverage at pauper’s rate. How much you ask? Let’ just say that if there is only one item in this article you are able to implement it should reduce your rate by 10% or more. I actually reduced our rate by 40% by implementing the 3 below. That’s right 40% (woot woot)! But wait there’s more, I actually added more coverage. Now, I know results may vary but try out the ideas below and feel free to comment below on your results. Come on…What you got to lose? A higher premium maybe.

  1. Take the National Safety Council’s Defensive Driving Course. This course can be as little as $20 bucks in most states and even if taken online is a very boring 4 hours of your life. However the payoff can be huge. Most people will see a 10% reduction on their insurance coverage that last for a minimum of 3 years. This discount is applied on top of any other discounts you may be eligible for.


  1. Combine your policies with your auto coverage. I personally dread shopping for insurance but endure the pain because the payoff can be huge. Multi-policy discounts can yield a whopping 30% discount. That’s right up to a 30% discount which is in addition to #1. You welcome. The catch is that it takes about an hour to get a full quote which includes you hammering away at the keyboard entering in policy data from your current policy or giving the data over the phone.


  1. Seek employer, school, or organization affiliation discount. Mostly everyone walks away from this one. Don’t make this mistake. Most insurance companies offer additional discounts for affiliations with colleges, professional organizations and for certain employers. It’s definitely worth the extra 3 minutes to find out which one you qualify for.

Before you begin shopping around here’s one last tip. Gather copies of your current coverage from each insurance policy you have before obtaining a quote. This will save you so a ton of time and will also ensure that you clearly understand what changes if any are going take effect with the new policies. The only question now is what areyou going to do with the savings!

Cheers to saving real money. Until next time. Mr. Money pants out (I just dropped a microphone and walked off stage)!

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