How to Create a Family Budget

Mar 22, 2014 by

For singles, creating a budget is relatively easy. They tend to have a good handle on how much money they have coming in, and when tracking expenses, they only have their own to think about. But creating a family budget is a whole new ball game. Most families have multiple sources of income. And when there are multiple spenders, that makes things much more confusing. This is one of the main reasons that families lack a formal budget. But having a budget and sticking to it can greatly improve a family’s financial outlook. Making a family budget may be tricky, but it can be done. Here’s how. 1. Take inventory of all income. If a certain source of income fluctuates from month to month, use the lowest amount or average it out. 2. Keep...

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Fun Ways to Save On Family Outings...

Mar 12, 2014 by

Fun and Frugal Family Outings The time we spend with our families is priceless. But most popular family activities are quite expensive. Even a simple night at the movies can put a serious dent in the budget by the time you buy tickets, popcorn and drinks for everyone. Fortunately, there are cheaper alternatives to expensive family outings. They provide the opportunity to have just as much fun at a fraction of the cost. Some are even free. Movies and Music Kids are often itching to see the newest releases at the movie theater. Doing so even once a month, however, can get pricey. One alternative in some areas is the drive-in. Admission is usually much cheaper than it is at a regular theater, and some let you bring your own drinks and snacks. Drive-ins...

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Make Small Changes to start Saving Big Money...

Mar 12, 2014 by

Get started to on saving big money today Living on a budget is the key to financial freedom, but getting started can be frustrating. When we look at our expenses and see all of those bills we’re paying every month, it’s easy to throw our hands up in disgust. But what about all those little expenses we incur? You might be surprised to find out just how much they amount to. It’s easy to dismiss cutting back on little things. A few dollars a month won’t make a significant difference in the big picture. But a few dollars here and a few dollars there adds up to a few more dollars. When you cut back in a lot of small ways, you could end up with a lot more money at the end of...

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10 Easy Tips To Save Money On Your Home Heating Bills...

Mar 10, 2014 by

10 Easy Tips To Save Money On Your Home Heating Bills With energy costs higher than they have ever been in recent history, it pays to find ways to reduce your home heating costs. I put together some tips that are easy, cost effective and will all add up to reduce your home heating bills by a significant amount! You donâ–ˇ need to be Bob Villa either. Some take just a minute or two. Even small changes will add up to big savings over the course of this cold winter! Here are the 10 tips that I have personally used to save on my home heating costs: 1. Head down to the basement and reduce the setting on your hot water thermostat by about 10 degrees. I wouldnâ–ˇ go below 120-115 degrees. The adjustment...

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5 Extreme Ways To Cut Your Household Expenses...

Mar 10, 2014 by

5 Extreme Ways To Cut Your Household Expenses Are you shocked when seeing your household expenditures every month? Would you like to save more but believe you already identified all of your house hold savings opportunities. If this sounds like your situation and you are desperate to save more in order to start living rich give them shot and let me know how you make out. 1. Recycle those junk letters. Each month, you will probably received a dozen or more letters from direct mailing companies in your mailbox. Some of these letters are printed on one side only. Collect these letters and combined them into a writing pad. You can also used them to print draft documents. Besides saving money, you are also saving a lot of trees. 2. Install water saving kit...

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